Of the 6 successful insect Novel Food applications, Alphitobius diaperinus...

France allows the claim “probiotic” on food supplements
Currently, no consensus exists on the term "probiotic," which has long...
Need for clinical trials to support health claims
A crucial rule in food law is that advertising, particularly health-related...
France lifts ban on cannabis flowers and leaves – but without changing food regulatory status
A lengthy French national court case on hemp flowers and leaves has concluded...
Proposal for the long-awaited MDR delay
Good news for manufacturers of medical devices still marketed under a Medical...
FSA delays work but promises to ensure food safety
In its December board meeting, the Food Standards Agency of the UK (FSA)...
The annex of substances that are prohibited, restricted, or under scrutiny is filling up – EGCG will be added next; more to follow
According to article 8, the Fortification Regulation No 1925/2006 has the...
New standard for medical devices
In the regulatory area of medical devices, there have been constant changes...
Milestone for cultivated meat
This month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave the green light...