After several EU countries (e.g. Belgium, France) already backed the adoption of Nutri-Score, now it is time for Germany to follow in the same footsteps. In October, the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture announced that the Nutri-Score will come into effect on November 6th for the German market (Bundesgesetzblatt Jahrgang 2020 Teil I Nr. 49, published in Bonn 05.11.2020).
The Nutri-Score labelling system is a five color Front-to-Pack nutrition labelling intended to provide quick and easy nutritional guidance for consumers who want information on foodstuffs or to compare similar products at the time of purchase. Through a letter and a color scheme, it informs consumers about the nutritional quality of a product. Each product is positioned on a scale with five levels, ranging from A – the most nutritionally favorable product – to E – the least nutritionally favorable product. The category to which the food belongs is highlighted on the logo by a larger letter.
The use of the Nutri-Score will be voluntary, and there is no legal requirement to print it on food packaging. What does this really mean for companies? The use of the Nutri-Score is free of charge for the food company. All that is required is registration and approval of the usage. To know more click here (in German language).