The existing Regulation on Dietary Foods has been awaiting a revision for several years, as it is overlaid by the EU Regulation No 609/2013. Since European law applies overridingly, national law must be adapted.
In accordance with the draft regulation on the revision of the law, the following changes are to be made:
- The Regulation on Dietary Foods will be repealed and replaced by the Food for a Specific Consumer Group Regulation.
- The specifications for herbal and fruit teas for infants or young children are included in the new regulation. Accordingly, the Fruit Juice and Soft Drinks and Tea Regulations will also be amended.
- The regulatory contents for processed cereal-based foods and baby foods should continue to apply transitionally.
- A notification requirement will be introduced for the placing on the market of daily rations and certain follow-on formulae.
- The regulations on “children’s milks” are not to be continued. These products will henceforth be regarded as foodstuffs for general consumption.
- The regulations for table salt substitutes are to be dropped due to their low market relevance.
- Specific regulations or requirements for sports foods are not considered.
If you need advice on the compliance of your product with the new regulation, contact a&r as reliable partner in terms of conformity checks.