In the beginning of 2021, EFSA was asked to provide a scientific opinion on harmonized front-of-pack nutrition labelling and the restriction of nutrition and health claims on food. The presented draft opinion considers three main aspects:
1) nutrients and non-nutrient components of food which are of public health importance for European populations,
2) food groups which have important roles in diets of European populations
3) the choice of nutrients and non-nutrient components of food for nutrient profiling.
In the context of nutrient profiling, diet-related chronic diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, and many others are taken into account. In addition, adverse health effects are considered that are associated with high amounts of saturated fats, sodium or sugar on the one hand, or caused by inadequate intake of fiber and potassium on the other.
Now EFSA has launched a public consultation to collect scientific advice from nutritionists, stakeholders, and other experts. EFSA’s opinion will set the frame for nutrient profiles for restricting nutrition and health claims. Take the opportunity and hand in your comments. Proposals can be submitted until January 9th, 2022. Then EFSA will finalize its scientific opinion by end March 2022.