health claims

Consumers are becoming more aware of sustainability, which means that consumers are becoming more interested in “green” products. Businesses are thus responding to this demand with increasing communication of sustainability and environmental actions for their products – green claims.

Green claims (also known as environmental claims or eco-friendly claims) are claims that suggest that a product, service, brand, or business provides a benefit for, or is less harmful to, the environment.

In the UK, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), a government regulatory body responsible for strengthening business competition and preventing and reducing anti-competitive activities, is setting up stricter guidelines for these types of green claims – the Green Claims code. The goal is to address “green washing” and potential misleading claims to consumers. To read more about CMA’s green claims code, please click here. Businesses will have until the new year to ensure that their green claims comply with the law.

Similar actions are being taken at European level with the EU initiative on substantiating green claims.

If you are looking for a reliable partner to support you on your product claims strategy, please get in touch. Our team of experts would be happy to discuss your green and health claim journey for your product.